1. Purpose
The instructions concern the private pleasure boats that are in the Greek Territory.
2. General recommendations
It is recommended that the tourist public using private pleasure boats avoid remote destinations where it will be difficult to seek medicinal help if needed. This is especially true for vulnerable groups as defined by the Ministry of Health. It is also recommended to avoid remote destinations areas where there are no organized health care structures.
3. Determining the maximum number of passengers
The maximum number of passengers allowed on private pleasure craft is equal to in each case provided for in the relevant legislation.
4. Passenger diagnostic logbook, vaccines and health status
Each private yacht shall have a passenger and crew status defined in the provisions of Law 4256/2014 (A ’92), which also contains a telephone communication accessible for the next 14 days. The condition of passengers will be available for inspection by port and health authorities in electronic or printed form form. Before boarding guests (each person except his / her family / household owner) you should check them with a rapid antigen test (rapid test) or they should have results from a rapid test which was performed up to one day before
In case there is a crew on the ship then during its first assumption of duties crew should be diagnosed with a molecular test. Additionally, you will Regular diagnostic testing of the crew should be done by molecular testing or rapidly rapid test, at least every seven days.
In addition, each ship’s health status of the occupants will be kept by the owner or the Captain. Crew members and passengers should measure once a day the body temperature which will be recorded in the book monitoring the health status of passengers. The book will be available for control by the port and health authorities in electronic or printed form.
In case the results of the molecular tests are not recorded in the book, the The crew should have the results available on board during performing his duties, in electronic or printed form, for control by the port authorities and health authorities.
It is recommended that the crew be vaccinated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine when this is feasible according to the priority set out in the National Vaccination Plan Coverage for COVID-19.
Guests and crew vaccinated with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are not exempt from the obligation to be tested by molecular test or by rapid antigen test (rapid test).
If any of the occupants develop symptoms of COVID-19 infection (cough, fever, shortness of breath, sudden onset of immunity, tastelessness or indigestion), then this should be recorded in the occupational health monitoring book and should activate the COVID-19 case management plan.
5. Report a possible COVID-19 case to the authorities
According to the International Health Regulations (DYK 2005), its Master or Governor must notify the competent authority of the next port immediately before arrival for any public health hazard on board, including any case of an illness suspected of being contagious.
This information is provided by completing and submitting electronically or by any other appropriate means of the Maritime Maritime Health Statement (Annex 1) Declaration of Health-MDH. The Master or the Commander shall additionally inform the person in charge
port authority on the number of passengers (crew and passengers). The Captain or the Governor should know to which authority he should report any eventuality case of infectious disease or any other risk to public health thereon ship.
If any person on board (crew member or passenger) shows symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection (one or more of the following: cough, fever, dyspnea, sudden onset of immunity, taste or tastelessness), this should be reported immediately to the competent authority in the ways mentioned above. It is important to be informed immediately competent health authorities to determine if capacity is available at port transport, isolation, laboratory diagnosis and care where appropriate COVID-19 case. The ship may be called to sail to another port if it is not the necessary port capacity is available, or if justified by medical conditions of a possible COVID-19 case. It is important that all arrangements are made as soon as possible to minimize the presence of possible incidents on board.
6. Contingency plan for contingency management COVID-19 case
All ships should have an emergency plan and one isolation plan for possible cases of COVID-19 based on the instructions of EODY “Instructions to the remaining health authorities and ship operators long-term mooring in ports (EU and EEA) during the COVID-19 pandemic ” which are available here:
7. Management of a possible or confirmed case
If any of the occupants is a possible or laboratory confirmed case COVID-19 must be notified immediately to the competent port and port health authority and the EODY. Its instructions should be used to manage a possible case EODY as described below:
EODY – “Instructions to health authorities and ship operators remain in long-term mooring in ports (EU and EEA) during the pandemic
COVID-19 »
8. Adequacy and proper use of personal protective equipment
It is recommended to have sufficient amounts of antiseptics, disinfectants, personal means protection and cleaning supplies. There must be a digital one in the first aid kit infrared thermometer and finger pulse oximeter. It is recommended to have written instructions for the proper use of personal protective equipment and their crew be aware of their use. Information on personal protective equipment for crew members, as appropriate their duties on board and their proper use are available in English from the European Joint Action HEALTHY GATEWAYS at the following link:
Appropriate procedures for installation and removal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/ best practices for PPE are available from EODY on the following websites:
EODY – COVID-19 – Instructions for the use of the mask by the public
9. Recommendations for crew and passengers
Visitors and crews on board Ship visits and any gatherings that will take place should be avoided exceeds the maximum permissible number of persons on board such a ship specified in par. 3. If external crews enter the ship they must distances of 1.5 meters are observed and the use of a mask (eg community mask) is recommended or surgical mask or FFP2) both by its members external crew as well as by the occupants during the stay of the members of the external crew on board. Also the ship’s sanitary facilities will not must be used by external workshops.
Use of personal protective equipment
If the ship is carrying persons from two or more families / households, the use of a mask (eg community mask or surgical mask or high breathing mask FFP2) by all occupants indoors and outdoors ship. When visiting onshore facilities it is recommended to use
mask (eg community mask or surgical mask or high respirator protection FFP2).
It is recommended to use gloves when refueling, when tying, as well other procedures that need to touch surfaces of equipment used
by many people and there is no nearby hand washing facility either station with antiseptics. The placement and removal of gloves will be done according to instructions for their proper implementation. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace washing them
hand, before and after removing gloves hand hygiene should be applied with soap and water or with antiseptic.
Personal hygiene
Hand hygiene with soap and water should be applied. If the hands are not obviously soiled, an alcoholic antiseptic solution may be used as an alternative alcohol content 70%. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace washing them hand, before and after removing gloves hand hygiene should be applied with soap and water or with antiseptic.
It is recommended to have stations at the entrance of the internal covered areas of the ship antiseptics.
Proper respiratory hygiene, ie covering the mouth, must be applied properly and the nose with a tissue during coughing and coughing and then discarding it in a plastic bag and application of antiseptic on the hands. For this purpose, you should provision has been made for the respective equipment (tissues or paper towels, gloves disposable, plastic bag, etc.).
Touch of the face, nose and eyes should be avoided.
Social distance
When visiting indoor and outdoor areas areas on land facilities it is recommended to maintain a social distance of 1.5
measures between individuals and the use of the mask (eg community mask or surgery mask or mask of high respiratory protection FFP2).
10. Ventilation and air conditioning Natural ventilation of the premises is recommended as much as possible.
In addition, and where they are applied, the provisions of the relevant circular of the Ministry apply Health “Taking measures to ensure Public Health from viruses and others infections when using air conditioners “, with emphasis on non-recycling of air where this can be applied.
11. Cleaning and disinfection of premises
Frequent cleaning of the ship with detergents is recommended during the voyage and disinfectants, with care and special emphasis on frequently touched surfaces, such as handles, handrails, etc., as well as in toilets.
Instructions for the cleaning and disinfection of the premises are given in the circular 30/3/2020 No. Prot. Δ1γ / Γ.Π / οικ.21536 of the Ministry of Health, on the subject: “Implementation of measures cleaning and disinfection on board vessels in the event of transport or
confirmed case of COVID-19 “.
12. Avoid transactions for a living
It is recommended to prefer electronic transactions, orders, purchases of services and goods, equipment, and telephone consultation is preferred as far as possible.
13. Annexes
Annex 1